Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Republican Opinion Writer Rich Lowry Once Again Feeds Dis-information To His Readers

 In Lowry's opinion column published in the New Orleans Advocate of May 5, titled, "How the GOP lost interest in opposing spending" Lowry pushes the concept that GOP should oppose deficit spending and be deficit hawks when out of office.  In other words it is AOK for the GOP to run up record deficit spending when they are in power and then be hypocritical on the issue when out of power.

Lowry then blames Trump for how the GOP lost interest in opposing spending and Trump's record deficit spending.  The opinion column is a deliberate piece of mis-information and dis-information.  The GOP's record of deficit spending began on President Reagan's watch 40 years ago and continued to take place on President's Bush 41, Bush 43 and Trump's watch.  Lowry and the GOP both know that but they like to mis-inform the people.  It is part of their constant plan of dis-information. Lowry now wants to see the GOP to go full speed against President Biden's agenda, even though the President has a plan to finance that agenda, something the GOP never does.  They just finance their  agenda with deficit spending.

Politidose in its commentary overt the past 9 years has exposed the facts that the GOP and its so called conservative opinion writers are no fiscal hawks or even conservatives and their spending record proves it.  They are and will always be extreme in their ideology that reflects their hatred of the democratic party, American values and the TRUTH in particular.

Thank goodness the people have columnist E.J. Dionne to write the TRUTH  about the issues and inform the public.  Lowry and the GOP are still Trump's ditto heads and the people spoke loud and clear back in the November elections who they trust the most.  Lowry and the GOP will continue to be relentless in their lies about President Biden's agenda because they have nothing left.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe  Lorio

Note:  Yes Mr. Lowry, the republican party lost interest in opposing spending but it started 40 years ago, its not a recent thing.

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