Saturday, June 19, 2021

The United States Supreme Court Upholds The Affordable Care Act Once Again.

The Supreme Court ruled against 18 state Attorney Generals who brought suit against the Affordable Care Act and tried to kill it.  The 7-2 court decision was another blow to Trump, the GOP and conservatives who have tried to kill the health care law since it passed congress over a decade ago.  Four so called conservative judges joined the three so called liberal judges in the majority vote.  Two of the judges who voted with the majority were appointed by President Trump.

The court ruled that those Attorney Generals who brought suit against the ACA had no legal  standing to do so and suffered no harm as they claimed for their state in the suit.  In other words it was a frivolous law suit brought before the court.  For  those who pay attention it has been the republicans and conservatives who have railed against so called frivolous law suits but are the ones always trying to file them.  The law suits against the 2020 Presidential election is a good recent example by claiming election fraud but offering no evidence or proof.

The other take from the Supreme Courts decision is this:  Trump and the GOP outsmarted themselves when they stacked the Court with their so called conservative judges while denying President Obama an opportunity to appoint one of his own choices.  Trump and the GOP thought they could corrupt the court to rule in their favor.  But as Politidose commented over two  years ago, there had to be enough so called conservative judges on the court that would not allow Trump and the GOP to write the history of their time on the court as being a time of corruption.

History reminds us it was a Trump stacked Supreme Court majority who denied Trump's many frivolous challenges to the results of the 2020 Presidential election.  And it was also a republican majority appointed so called conservative Supreme Court that voted 7-2 that decided Roe Vs. Wade and legalized abortion in America and not a so called liberal court that the GOP would like the people to believe.

By and large, the Supreme Court does render decisions with a even hand.  The problem lies with the political system that tries to divide the country on the issues.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 


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