Monday, October 11, 2021

Journalist/Columnist E.J. Dionne Stands At The Pinnacle Of His Profession.

Longtime Journalist and columnist for the Washington Post, E.J. Dionne shed much light why he is the best at what he does with his commentary published in the New Orleans Advocate dated 10/9/21 titled, "GOP radicalism pushes Biden to change senate?"  His column concerns the "filibuster" rules in the U.S. Senate which has recently been a topic in the news concerning the Biden agenda.

Dionne in his column explains the real problem with the "filibuster" and why it should be changed under certain conditions and done away with altogether.  And it makes more sense than any of the other comments so far because Dionne always knows the heart of issues better than other journalists and columnists and knows how to explain the subject where it can be understood by everyone.  

What separates Dionne from other journalists/columnist is his knowledge of the subject matter he writes about, his ability to understand the heart of the matter and the real issues and his ability to articulate that to the public he serves.  The world of journalists would  be better if more E.J. Dionnes were available.  And the public would be much more aware of the true nature of the issues they and the country face.  The noise machines out there are incapable of delivering the real facts.

So this writer encourages its readers out there to take the time and read Mr. Dionne's column in order to understand the real problem the "filibuster" has created and can continue to create if unchecked.  Hopefully Senators Manchin and  Sinema has read Mr. Dionne's column and come to their sense that change is needed. It is a basis change that is needed now more than ever with the GOP's do nothing attitude and obstruction.

This  commentary written by Joe Lorio 

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