Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Democrats Can Run On Infrastructure As A Party, The GOP Can Not.

A total of 265 democrats in the congress voted for the party's infrastructure legislation.  50 votes came from the senate vote and 215 came from the House vote.  Only 6 democrats voted nay in the House.  A total of only 32 republicans voted for the legislation, 19 votes came from the senate and 13 came from the House.  A total of 230 republicans voted against the legislation, 30 voted against in the senate and 200 voted against in the House.

So the democratic party has the numbers to back up that the PARTY can run on its infrastructure record but as a PARTY the GOP can not and the numbers back it up.  But we know the GOP will try to take credit for two reasons.  First, they took credit for Biden's and the democrat's COVID 19 relief legislation which passed with only democratic votes.  And secondly, the GOP has no accomplishments to run on so they use democrat's accomplishments as a product of their own making. 

So a democratic administration proves once again that their policies and plans serve the needs of the country and all its people and states despite the political divisions the GOP love to create.  And when the democrats pass Biden's Build Back Better legislation, it will be additional evidence of leadership from a democratic administration that continues the democratic precedent of moving America forward.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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