Sunday, December 12, 2021

Abortion, The U.S. Supreme Court, The GOP and The Conservative Media.

 The GOP with the support of the conservative media has tried its best to destroy the Affordable Care Act (so called Obamacare, because Obama cared) since 2009 and have failed in a spectacular manner when Trump and the republican controlled congress failed in its attempt to do so during their 4 years in office.  The same sorry group has tried to overturn Roe vs. Wade since 1973 (48 years) and have failed to do so.  They oppose abortion in any form so they say.

Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court took up oral arguments concerning a Texas abortion law that caps abortion at 15 weeks.  Some in the news media have reported that comments made by several Justices indicate some parts of the Texas law may be upheld and that maybe Roe vs. Wade would be dismantled altogether.  

The Texas law validates the conclusion that the GOP has used the abortion issue only to divide the country and that they could care less about abortion.  After all, the GOP supports the Texas law and the Texas law provides for abortion during the first 15 weeks of being pregnant.  Roe vs. Wade provides for 24 weeks.

Roe vs. Wade is a GOP problem because it became law in a 7-2 vote and the majority vote was provided by a conservative majority Supreme Court  appointed by past republican Presidents.  Now, another conservative majority Supreme Court appointed by republican Presidents will have to decide the fate of Roe vs. Wade and the Texas case 48 years later.  No matter how the court rules, the GOP will be the losers on the issue.  The GOP, mostly white men who have made abortion a political issue have already lost the respect of a woman's right to choose under the present law.

And if the Supreme Court upholds the Texas law of 15 weeks a woman will just see a doctor if she thinks she is pregnant sooner and have enough time to still have an abortion.  The shorter time period will not prevent a woman from having an abortion and the GOP will have proved their only interest in abortion is to divide the country.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Note:  The Majority Supreme Court vote in Roe vs. Wade was 7-2.  Five of those who voted yes were appointed by republican Presidents, while Two who voted yes were appointed by Democratic Presidents.

Note:  See previous commentary in Politidose concerning abortion dated 8/24/19

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