Saturday, April 2, 2022

Louisiana's GOP Controlled State Legislature Overrides Gov. Edwards' Veto Of The Latest Congressional Maps.

 In a news conference after the veto vote Gov. Edwards said, this was not our finest day and speaks so poorly of us collectively.  In a New Orleans Advocate of 3/31/22 staff writers Tyler Bridges, Sam Karlin and Blake Paterson wrote that the veto override was a "stinging defeat" for the Governor.  That statement reflects the usual BS and hype the media feeds the voting public.  

The Governor actually did his job and duty.  It was a "stinging defeat" for racial justice in congressional districts and quickly prompted a federal suit by a coalition of civil rights groups who claim the newly drawn districts dilute the voting power of black residences.  So now the decision on the matter will be made by a court of law which will be a legal decision and not a political decision.

The media has taken it upon themselves to try and define people for the purpose of influence and has contributed greatly to division.  It's not a defeat when a Governor stands for something and acts.  That is called leadership and courage. And Louisiana and its people have done well on Governor Edwards' watch because of his political decisions.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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