Sunday, August 21, 2022

Mitch McConnell: The GOP's Senate Leader and Obstructionist.

 The GOP's long time leader in the U.S. Senate Mitch McConnell, once again shows his anti-Democratic ideology of governing with his recent statement about the lack of "quality" GOP candidates running in the November congressional elections.  It is another sad chapter of his obstruction and his party's attitude about governing.

For the past 6 months his party and the conservative media have predicted a red wave in the November elections and his party taking control of both houses of congress from the democrats.  And during that time Mitch never mentioned the lack of "quality" among GOP hopefuls and did not even care.  Then along came recent new polling that indicated the GOP would actually lose senate seats in the November elections and fail to regain control of the senate.

That news did not sit well with Mitch because he wants to control the senate so bad once again and foul up the rest of President Biden's time in office.  So, Mitch decided to strike against the GOP's lack of "quality" senate candidates going into the elections, many of which are supported by Donald Trump.  In other words, as long as the GOP could win, Mitch could care less about the "quality" of the GOP candidates.  The power is what is important to Mitch and the GOP so they can continue to seek rule over the country and its people which they have no regards for.

The American people should vote for democracy in November and keep the control of congress in the hands of the democratic party.  Democracy is at stake and so is our American way of life and the rule of law.  America the Beautiful is what America has always fought for through wars and peace since we became one nation under GOD with liberty and justice for all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

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