Saturday, November 12, 2022

Conservative Columnist George Will Should Hang Up His Shingle.

 In a Times Picayune New Orleans Advocate opinion column of 11/4 titled, "For good of country, Biden and Harris should bow out of the 2024 election" which follows the negative conservative voices who have clamored for the same thing the past 12 months.  Never mind that the President was elected to serve 4 years and as of this date has served less than two years but want the President to make the decision public now.

Their purpose of wanting the President to declare now is to divide the country even more.  If the President would do so now, they would be the first to claim he is a "lame duck President" which is a political ploy to divide the country and do nothing.  There is no reason why the President should announce his decision at this point and should wait until the beginning of 2024.

The problem with Will and the negative conservatives is once again it is a democratic administration that has turned around the economic disaster of the previous GOP administration.  A reduction in federal spending, the deficit, record job creation, consumers who are still spending despite inflation and low unemployment and a America that is once again leading democracy.

It was George Will who tolerated Trump's lies, misinformation, his corruption and was silent when Trump ran for re-election.  Will's article was published 4 days before the congressional elections and the last sentence of the last paragraph suggest Will swallowed the negative conservative voices who predicted a Red Wave for the GOP on election day.  Will also failed to explain why he did not suggest Trump bow out of the 2020 Presidential election knowing how corrupt he was.

This writer in a previous Politidose commentary months ago expressed the opinion that the President would not seek re-election in 2024 and the reasons why.  This writer is of the opinion that it is Mr. Will who should hang up his shingle and do so timely.  The future of journalism is at stake.

This commentary written by joe Lorio 

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