Monday, November 7, 2022

Louisiana's GOP Congressional Representation in Congress: Such A Phony On The Issue.

FEMA is once again a topic, especially in Louisiana concerning flooding and FEMA flood maps.  It is really nothing new and has been ongoing for many years along with higher premiums for flood insurance.  Now comes the latest in a Times Picayune article of 11/4 titled, "La. Delegation Demands Answers On Flood Insurance Changes" by staff writer Mark Ballard.

La's delegation thinks FEMA has not been transparent concerning their latest flood RISK RATING 2.0.  FEMA says they have been transparent since April 2021and spells out how in the article.  But the bottom line to all of this is nothing new.  FEMA's maps, flood zones, rising premiums and etc, have been an issue before congress for many years and the GOP has never done anything about it and it came up the last time on Trump's watch when the GOP controlled congress and they still did nothing to answer the problem.

Flood insurance will be settled in a fair and equitable manner only when the Insurance Companies control over the situation is taken away from them.  And that should and could have been done in Louisiana years ago by government regulations that require residential homes be built off the ground at a certain level.  If that was done after hurricane Betsy, flood rates would be much less than they are today and taken the control from the Industry would set a standard.

The public lacks leaders, both business and political with foresight and a progressive attitude toward the future.  Innovation is far removed from their thinking about future events.  So the same properties keep flooding over and over which gives Insurance Companies more control and we still build slab homes on the ground that will continue to flood.  

La's GOP's delegation in congress is one of excuses with the FEMA thing.  Former Louisiana's U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu accomplished more for Louisiana than the whole lot of the GOP delegation. 

This commentary was written by Joe Lorio 

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