Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Louisiana's Attorney General Jeff Landry: The Trump Ditto Head Seeks His Support.

 Landry, Louisiana's present GOP Attorney General who announced he is a candidate for Governor will travel to Florida to meet with Trump and receive his blessing according to a Capitol Buzz report that appeared in the New Orleans Advocate of March 5.  The story said Landry's campaign is very excited about it.

But this news was expected because Landry has long been a Trump ditto head and supported the corrupt actions of Trump while he was President including Trump's lies about the 2020 election being stolen.  Landry's lack of character and courage are hallmarks of being a Trump ditto head, that is why his  campaign is about personal attacks and no real plans or policies to talk about.  Past PolitiDose commentary was right on  target when it opined that a democratic Governor named John B. Edwards would be successful in reversing the failures of the previous 8 years of GOP rule.  And if Louisiana's next governor is a republican, one can look for Louisiana to slide back once again into regression.  The past record is there as a guideline to judge. 

And make no mistake about it, any elected official or one who seeks to be elected and seeks the support and endorsement of Donald Trump. supports Trump's un-American ideology of using any means to over turn the country's democratic process of elections and oppose the peaceful transfer of power.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe  Lorio 

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