Saturday, May 13, 2023

Governor Edwards Should Veto "Don't Say Gay" Legislation If Passed By The GOP Controlled State Legislature.

 If and when the GOP controlled state legislature passes "Don't Say Gay" legislation, Governor Edwards must have the character and courage to veto such legislation and stand tall against the GOP's assault to discriminate against certain people's right of privacy, the pursuit of happiness and to live their own lives like all Americans.  Anything less than a veto should be unacceptable.  

The drive to deny constitutional rights both statewide and nationally by the GOP ditto heads are so un-American in nature, real leaders have to stand up, be counted and fight the good fight to protect all citizen's right to live their own lives.  The corrupted GOP has no business to try and regulate other lives, nor do they have any moral authority to do so.  

Governor Edwards turned around the failure of 8 years of GOP control when elected and moved the state forward.  And now as he prepares to leave office, he cannot afford the state to slip backwards again and allow such harmful legislation to become law.  Leaving office on a positive note by displaying character and courage will define the difference between good government and those who want to use government to deny people their right to live their own lives.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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