Sunday, January 7, 2024

New Gun Legislation Is In Working Order.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland reported that new gun legislation passed by congress in June of 2022 is working and so far has blocked over 500 firearms from being bought.  That's 500 plus less guns on the streets of America.  The new gun legislation was part of President Biden's ongoing attempt to tighten the rules and loopholes when purchasing a firearm.  

The legislation that was passed in 2022 was passed by the democratic controlled congress with support from the GOP and was the most sweeping gun legislation in decades and requires extra checks for any gun purchase by people under 21 years of age.  Other safety provisions were also added.  President Biden noted after the announcement that the legislation was working and that he will continue to consider other methods to keep America and its people safe from gun violence.

And once again, it is a democratic President and a democratic controlled congress with GOP assistance who led the fight for common sense gun legislation.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

Note: The Bill passed the House 234-193 and in the Senate 65-35.  All democrats voted for the legislation and totaled 274 votes for, while a total of 228 republicans voted no on the legislation. 14 republican members in the House voted with the democratic majority, while in the senate 15 republicans voted with the democratic majority.  All Louisiana republican house members voted against the bill, while Louisiana senator Bill Cassidy voted for the bill.  Senator John Kennedy voted against the bill.  Democratic representative in the House Troy Carter voted for the bill.  The vote tells the story of a GOP where their own majority is on the wrong side of a basis solution to reduce the violence of gun deaths. 

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