With only two months left in office, the U.S. economy continues to produce for the country and it's people. The U.S. Commerce Department reported November 16 that retail sales for October were up 0.4% from September and that consumer spending is driving the economy's steady growth.
The Department also reported Americans' take home pay on average has surpassed inflation for about 18 months. That statement is an astounding testament to the strength of the economy. The Department ends it's report with this statement: "Trump inherits an economy in which spending is strong, growth is solid and unemployment is low." Another astounding statement, but not to those who follow the facts and read PolitiDose commentary.
The sad news is that the media allowed the lies of Trump and the negative voices on the economy dominate the news and never gave the proper time to the positive position of the economy and the factual numbers in the last 46 months. And those numbers took place despite inflation. The public was exposed to the negative voices and the lies carried by the media. They especially never tired of pushing the negative voices of recession.
PolitiDose commentary had it right how the economy would do well under the Biden administration and that prediction was made even before he took office. The shame of America's media has never been greater.
This commentary written by Joe Lorio
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