Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Fifty six Days After The November 5 Election, The Democratic Party Are still The SANE Party In Washington.

 America, pay no attention to the media's lies, BS and propaganda about the democratic party being leaderless and at each other's throats.  They are still the SANE and steady party that put the country and its people first.  And it played out in congress after the election during legislation to avoid a government shutdown.  

The chaotic GOP controlled U.S. House could not get its own majority vote together to pass legislation that would prevent a government shutdown and fund the government through the new year.  At the same time the darkness of Trump and Musk were urging the GOP more chaos by supporting a government shutdown if they did not get their way and if their demands were not met.  The minority democrats in the House remained SANE, calm and would not give in to a government shutdown.  As a result, the GOP speaker of the House Johnson dropped the chaotic demands of Trump, Musk and the extreme GOP house members and the democratic party furnished the majority vote that passed and prevented a government shutdown.  

The democratic party stood tall once again for the country and its people and by doing so, demonstrated why history tells us the democratic party are the best at governing.  Trump and the GOP controlled congress will be running government on January 20, 2025 but the democratic party will still be the SANE party in Washington for the country and its people that will shine through the chaotic darkness of Trump and his GOP ditto heads.

Commentary written by Joe Lorio

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