Monday, February 10, 2025

The U.S. Economy, Job Creation and The Unemployment Rate for January 2025.

 The U.S. Labor Department reported that the economy created 143,000 jobs in January and that the unemployment rate came in at 4%, down from 4.1% in December.  It was the 48th straight month of positive job growth.  It was the final numbers of Biden's term in office.  The unemployment rate when Biden took office was 6.3%, so unemployment was down 2.3% during Biden's term in office.  It was up 1.6% during Trump's term in office.  It was 4.7% when he took office and 6.3% the month he left office.  Unemployment being up on Trump's watch was no surprise since only one GOP administration in the last 96 years has left office with a lower unemployment rate than when he took office, and that was the Reagan administration.  In other words, the GOP have a very poor record at creating jobs.

January's numbers were also better than the numbers for January 2021, the month Trump left office.  Only 49,000 jobs were created that month and the unemployment rate came in at 6.3%.  That was also the month Trump sent his riot mob to the nation's capitol to try and overturn the Presidential election of 2020 and obstruct the peaceful transfer of power.  In January 2025, President Biden made sure the peaceful transfer of power would take place for the newly elected President.

A soon to come Politidose commentary will recap the results of President Biden's term in office and compare that to the first term of President Trump.  The numbers should surprise no who keeps up with the facts and it was all predicted in Politidose commentary in December 2020 and January 2021, before Biden actually took office and the reasons why.  Just recently, the Feds, members of the business community and economist reported that Trump has inherited a strong economy, labor market and low unemployment that should keep the economy strong.

So, the Biden administration has come to an end on a positive note despite the negative voices of doom and gloom over the last 4 years.  The lying talk of recession, mass layoffs and higher unemployment never took place and to top it off, there were never any numbers over a period of time that pointed to those events taking place.  It was a complete betrayal of the people and the administration.  But during the whole period and for the past 10 years, Politidose told the real story in commentary.  So, stay tune to Politidose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe  Lorio  

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