Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Karl Rove: The GOP's past or future?

As we all know by now, President Bush's long time friend, Karl Rove, resigned yesterday as Mr. Bush's chief political strategist. This has fueled much speculation as to what is next for "Bush's brain". We know two things for sure, that Rove intends to spend more time with his family in Texas and plans on writing a book on the Bush years(can hardly wait for that one). But I would be willing to bet on one thing, Karl Rove won't stay out of politics for long, this is how I see it:

Rove will wait until March or April until the GOP's eventual nominee is clear. And just like he did with Mr. Bush, Rove will advise this candidate, because Rove truly does see himself as the brain of the Republican party. And to be quite honest, the Republican party sees Rove as their brain too. Any of the GOP candidates would love to have Rove as their strategist. The question is, is Karl Rove the Republican's future, is he their Messiah who can guide them to an upset victory in 2008? Some might argue yes, but I argue no. Karl Rove is the past of the Republican Party. He brought Texas to a strong Republican state, in the process of Bush becoming governor. He led the Congress to be controlled by Republicans until recently. Rove represents everything the public dislikes about the Republican Party. The American people made their voices heard in the 2006 Congressional elections, they were tired of the "old" Republican Party. They wanted fresh faces: free of corruption, scandal, controversy, and lies. You would have thought that the message would have gotten to some Republicans, but it has yet to. All the 2008 GOP President hopefuls, with the exception of Ron Paul, are running on principles that the American people already have turned down. Karl Rove used fear to help the GOP retain Congress for some many years and for Bush to win in '04. His advise to the Republican Party was simple: scare the America people into thinking that the Republicans are the only ones who can be trusted on national security and fighting terrorism. It did work for a number of years, then the American people realized that the President, with the advise of Rove no doubt, lied to Congress and them(the American people) to go to war with Iraq. Lied about al-Qaeda there, lied about Saddam's involvement with 9/11, and lied about the WMDs. Its a great liability for a Republican candidate to seek the advise of Rove. Rove's advise worked in the past, but times change, and so the ideas have to change too. Rove's advise would make a carbon-copy of Bush in the Republican nominee. And that could be the most dangerous thing Karl Rove has done yet to the Republican Party. Rove's strategies worked in the past; once the GOP realizes that they have to look to the future, not the past, they may start regaining popularity. Looking to the future, that is, being progressive, is what is making the democrats appeal more and more to main-stream America.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

The reason Rove is resigning is to get a head start on the next Presidential election. He will be behind the scene and behind all the lies that will come out against who ever is the Democratic canadide for President. Rove and the White House have the same make up, keep telling lies over and over again and soon people will start believing the lie. We have heard enough of their lies concerning Iraq. Bill Clinton once said the only way Republicans can win elections is by dividing the people. Thats the motive behind Rove.