Tuesday, August 14, 2007

New study shows Clinton appealing to Democrats more and more

In research conducted by CNN, Democrats say that Hillary Clinton is the most experienced with 59%, followed by John Edwards at 11%, and Barack Obama with 9%. When asked who the strongest leader was, Democrats again chose Clinton with 47%, with her rivals Obama and Edwards, scoring 22% and 13% respectively. Clinton also polled ahead, with 46%, when Democrats were asked who is most qualified to be commander-in-chief. Obama followed with 15% and Edwards with 13%. When Democrats were asked who is the candidate for change, 40% said Clinton, 27% said Obama, and Edwards came in third with 13%. When asked who is the most honest candidate, Clinton came out again the winner with 28%, followed closely by Obama at 24%, and Edwards with 19%. When asked who is the best choice to defeat a Republican and lead the Democrats to a victory in '08, Clinton won by a landslide 55%, way ahead of the 19% for Obama and the 12% Edwards received. She also scored the highest when democrats were asked whether Clinton could beat the GOP, 72% say she definitely can, while only 57% feel the same about Obama.

Clinton is indeed in a very good place right now. With her support on a consistent rise, it may only be a short time before some of the other contenders must drop out of the race. The most interesting finding of the poll is that democrats feel Hillary is the candidate of change over Obama, who has been running as the change candidate. Obama has spent so much time casting himself as the candidate of change, one would have to have expected Obama would win that category. The fact that he didn't demonstrates something I've touched on before: you have to be change itself, not just talk about change. Actions speak louder than words, and at this point, it seems Obama's rhetoric can only take him so far.

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