Friday, August 10, 2007

Merry Christmas and a Happy New....Hampshire?

Well with the 2008 Presidential Campaign starting earlier than ever, it appears the nomination process will too start earlier than in previous years. On August 9, it was announced that South Carolina had moved its republican primary up to January 19. This was in response to South Carolina wanting to be the first Southern state to hold a primary after Florida moved its primary up to January 29, ahead of South Carolina. Now seeing as South Carolina is currently scheduled to be the first primary(ahead of New Hampshire), New Hampshire is expected to move their primary up. New Hampshire law says that the state's primary must precede any similar contest by at least 7 days. That would put New Hampshire's date at January 12 or sooner. Well the only problem with that is that the Iowa caucus is scheduled to take place on January 14. Iowa by law is required to be the first state to participate in the nomination process, traditionally occurring 8 days before New Hampshire. That could push Iowa back to January 4 or sooner. With January 4 being so close to the New Year's Holiday, some are proposing to push it back to before Christmas or in between Christmas and New Year.

I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand the sooner the primaries happen and the closer together they occur, the less chance someone has to bounce back after a defeat. On the other hand, I feel that with this campaign starting so early and with so many people paying attention, why not just get it done and over with.

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