Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bush Warns about "World War III"

Our great President, "Dubya", has said many outrageous and ignorant things during his presidency, but this one has to be near the top of the list:

"We've got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel. So I've told people that, if you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon."

You just don't talk about a World War, especially one that would be nuclear, that lightly. It's irresponsible and foolish. There is no reason why Iran could or would start a World War. Iran is no threat to the U.S. or Israel currently. If the U.S. or Israel wanted, Iran could be wiped off the map in an instant. And, if Bush's argument is that Iran can not be in control of nuclear weapons, then I agree. I don't think any politician, Democrat or Republican, wants Iran to have nukes.

But the thing is, and this is where Republicans and Democrats differ, we don't need to start a war to keep Iran from getting WMDs. We need to first try tough sanctions and rigorous diplomacy. It looks like it is working with North Korea, so why can't it work with Iran? And, if Iran still doesn't comply, then all we have to do is an air strike on the nuclear facility. We don't need to invade Iran, or attack its civilians. By just taking out the nuclear reactor, we essentially solve the problem---quickly, safely, and without conflict. And it's not exactly like Iran would be capable of attacking the U.S. back. But, before we even think about a military strike, we must try strong diplomacy, but at the same time, letting other countries know that Iran know that they mustn't be allowed to get WMDs. Why?----simple, they themselves would not launch an attack, but they would give WMDs to terrorists who would use it in Israel, Western Europe, and eventually the U.S.

Another problem that needs to be addressed is restoring our standing in the world with countries such as Russia. Russia is becoming an ally with Iran and is supporting their nuclear development program. The U.S. can argue with Russia and Putin all we want, but the fact is that the foreign policies of the Bush administration have alienated Russia(and many others). With the next president, we have got to work hard and quickly to restore our standing in the eyes of the world. We have got to regain our allies. The time of "cowboy diplomacy" must end.

Again I repeat: We can not allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, but there are so many things we can and must try before resulting to a military strike. And even then, there is no need for a war, just an air strike. Talking about WWIII is not even relevant, and if, God forbid, there is a World War in the near future, it will be the fault of President Bush and his policies. Perhaps that is the saddest though yet----that the U.S. could be responsible for a World War---but then again, those are not my words, there the President's.


Winghunter said...

"There is no reason why Iran could or would start a World War. Iran is no threat to the U.S. or Israel currently."

So, under this risible logic the President of Iran DID have "reasons" to take American hostages??

STFU! Moron.

Joseph Patrick said...

^I'm not sure I understand what you're saying, but you tell me how Iran is a threat? Both the U.S. and Israel are a thousand times more powerful than Iran. It's absolutely moronic to think we have to start a war with Iran. Do we want another quagmire like we have in Iraq? Do we want to have to commit more lives to a battle that is unnecessary? Listen to Ron Paul, listen to the democrats, listen to common sense and you'll see that there is no reason for war with Iran. They do not have WMDs. They do not have any way to threaten us.

Anonymous said...

winghunter should know that the CIA put the Shaw of Iran in power. And when he was over thrown the American hostages were taken. They were also released after a year. Their action was madness and out of the norm of human dignity. The world will never forgive those responsible for their actions. But the problem we face with Iran is all together different today and there is no comparison. Israel and Mr. Bush are trying to play God in the middle east at the expense of our men and women in uniform and our country. If the most powerful country in the world can't promote peace and hold leverage over a country like Iran then God help us all. The 2008 election can't come soon enough.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the Iranian hostages would have been released much sooner except for the presidential campaign. From GOP VP nominee Bush's ties with the CIA, it was learned that the Carter administration knew in mid-August that Iran was readying the release of the hostages and that this "October surprise" would catapult Carter back into the White House. Bush used his CIA contacts to have Iran hold the hostages until Carter was out of office. Ironically, even though Reagan is credited with the release of the hostages on his inauguration day, they were actually released before Reagan took the oath of office, while Carter was still president!!