Friday, October 19, 2007

Israel: Just Another Middle East Menace?

The major obstacle to peace between Israel and  Palestine are the leaders of Israel and those who support their loose cannon strategy.  The leaders of Israel order so called preemptive strikes against the Palestinian people and kill innocent men, women and children in their attacks and then just shrug it off and say those things just happen in war. 
If one listens closely to their talk you would think Syria, Iran, Iraq, and the Palestinian people are responsible for the holocaust.  Israel is a nuclear power with stock piles of WMD.  They won't admit it and America and other world leaders don't talk about it, but it is a fact.  They refused to join the Non Proliferation Treaty that requires open inspections of Nuclear facilities but they want other nations to comply.  It is time for world leaders to demand that Israel join the N.P.T. ditto India and Pakistan.
The leaders of Israel are not friends of America.  They would love to see the U.S. go to war with Iran, just like the U.S. did in Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  They love when we adopt their preemptive policy regardless of the loss of innocent life.  They would like nothing more than for America to stoop to their level in order to justify their own actions.
The leaders of Israel like to use their military power with impunity.  That is an indication of unstable leadership, lack of moral values, and a disregard for human life.  They have created more terrorists with their actions much like our invasion of Iraq did.  If anyone has any doubts about the leaders of Israel I suggest reading the book "Body of Secrets".  It tells the story about Israel's attack on the United States' ship Liberty and acts of Israel against Egypt.
America needs a President who will reassess our relationship with the leaders of Israel.  And America needs a congress that will reassess what military equipment and supplies we sell to Israel.


Joseph Patrick said...

I agree with what you said about Israel, but none the less, Israel is a powerful ally we have in the Middle East. The problem is that we defend them and protect them unnecessarily and they do act irrational at times when it comes to dealing with Palestine. Both countries are at fault and I hope the next President works equally with both leaders, to show that the U.S. doesn't favor the Israelis over the Palestinians. We also need to set an example of peace in the Middle East by ending our occupation of Iraq.

Anonymous said...

I hope the next President agrees with this commentary and comment that was made. It would be good foreign policy.