Friday, October 19, 2007

Why Not McCain?

Throughout this campaign season, we are hearing more and more about how GOP voters want a social-conservative who, at the same time, can be super-hawkish when it comes to Iraq and the Middle East. Many social conservatives say they wouldn't normally vote for a man with Giuliani's past(pro-abortion, pro-gay rights, pro- gun control, pro-illegal immigration, etc.), but they feel he is the only man with "enough experience" to protect the country. Well, I wish these conservatives would wake up. There is already a frontrunner who is a social conservative and who does have experience on foreign issues. So I ask them----why Giuliani, why not McCain?

John McCain, regardless of how much I might disagree with him, fits the description of what I hear every "value voter" wanting---someone who has a clear record of being pro-life, socially conservative, fiscally conservative, AND he, by far, has the most foreign policy experience and knowledge out of any GOP candidate. I'd like to know how exactly some people think Giuliani has "foreign policy experience". How do you get foreign policy experience from just being a mayor? You don't, and people should realize that. The only past discrepancy that I see affecting McCain is his stance on immigration reform. But that still doesn't explain why they would so quickly turn from McCain, who was the early front-runner, to Giuliani who is even more pro-illegal immigration that McCain.

I suppose it just angers me to continue to see Giuliani rise in the polls for reasons that simply aren't true. I might not vote Republican or even share their "values", but I must admit there are better people out there to be president than Giuliani. Someone who exploits the lives of those lost on 9/11 does not deserve to be president. Someone who is so willing to commit troops to another war with Iran does not deserve to be president. Someone who will forget his past positions and adopt new ones, just to win an election, doesn't deserve to be president. Someone who speaks out against children getting healthcare does not deserve to be president. In case you haven't caught on, that "someone" is Giuliani. This man is a disgrace to America. I ask all you conservatives, if you are truly concerned with social issues and national security, do not look to Rudy. Look to McCain, he has stood for your principles for as long as he has been in politics, and you conservatives have literally paid him nothing but hatred in return. So don't go on the news and complain you don't have a candidate, you do, and his name is John McCain. Conservatives do have a choice; it's not like Rudy is being pushed down their throats. I just hope they realize their choices before its too late.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

It just might happen that McCain and Huckabee might be the one who benefit from the other candidates trying to show who is the real conservative.