Friday, October 19, 2007

Failure At the Top

President Bush's job approval rating, according to a poll released October 17, stands at 24%.  Last month it was at 29%.  Those who watched Mr. Bush's performance at his news conference that same day can easily understand why.
The President was childish at times, then reverted to his scare tactic of fear and spoke about "WWIII" as if we are headed directly for it.  No Commander in Chief should speak of war so casually.  Our past Presidents have a record of doing what is necessary to avoid war if at all possible.  When one thinks about the troubles this President has brought upon our country and our men and women in uniform the only conclusion is that he is unfit for the office. 
When he can't or doesn't want to deal with reporters' questions, he tries to be funny.  His answers are scripted and gets off the subject matter with long drawn out answers unrelated to the questions.  Deep into the fifth year of war in Iraq over WMD that did not exist, he still can not tell the people how this war will end, when it will end, nor what will Iraq look like if it ever ends.  Even though it is the United States who is training the Iraqi's, he still can not tell the nation when the Iraqi's will be ready to take over the security of their own country.
Our nation is without a true leader at a time when our country needs leadership to face the challenges that the free world is exposed to.  Reckless and incompetent decisions have put America and our Armed Forces in harms way and now Mr. Bush is talking about WWIII.  History will not wait 15 to 20 years to judge Mr. Bush's presidency as he has said so often.  The facts have been revealed and the people have already spoken.  The Worst President and Commander in Chief in History, and sadly, the most childish is George W. Bush. 

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