Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How Much More?

The newest projection of the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan show that the the two conflicts could cost $2.4 trillion. It is also important to take into account that this analysis was done by a non-partisan group, the Congressional Budget Office. Here is a quote from CBO Director Peter Orszag:

"It's clear under analysis that the nation is on an unstable fiscal path ... with the higher debt and interest costs."

Congressman Rahm Emaneul weighed in on the situation on Hardball on MSNBC:

"America's future is being held hostage by the cost of the war."

So with the newest projections, I must ask: How much more? How much more money for this needless war? How much more are we going to spend acting as a police force in a foreign country instead of helping our own people? If there was no war in Iraq, we would have a budget surplus right now. We could have the social security problem largely fixed. We could have provided healthcare for every American. Or how about this----we could have spent the money actually fighting terrorists.

There is no excuse for this. Americans for generations will be forced to pay the price for this war. Enough is enough. And it's not just the Democrat's fault. What happened to the so called "fiscal conservatives"? Why is it that the only two presidents to balance the budget in the past 50 years, were Democrats? Why is it that two of our most conservative Presidents, Reagan and Bush, wrecked the economy by adding billions of debt? The Republicans have got to jump on board with the American people and the Democrats and vote to bring this war to a safe end. America can not afford this war any longer-----not the cost and certainly not the lives of our brave men and women. So I say with more urgency than ever: this war must end. If Bush and the GOP don't, it is the duty of us to elect a President who will end this war.

***On a side note, my thought and prayers go out to all those affected by the wildfires in Southern California. I can't help but feel that the recovery effort would be much easier if California had its National Guards(who are serving in Iraq). It seems more and more everyday we are seeing the unnecessary costs of this war in all aspects of American life.***

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Like the previous two republican presidents before him who never balanced a federal budget, the present Mr. Bush is following in their footsteps. The reason is simple. They want to break the federal government to eliminate social security, Medicare and other programs that help real people. They represent the worst in Presidential leadership.