Friday, October 26, 2007

Brownback To Endorse Giuliani?

As we all know, Sen. Sam Brownback dropped out of the race for president a couple of weeks ago. We also know that Rudy Giuliani is the frontrunner of the GOP Presidential candidates. What we do not know is whether or not Sam Brownback will throw his support behind his Mayor Giuliani.

Now the general consensus with anyone reading this question would be "of course not". Brownback is the picture-perfect conservative. His presidential campaign had one focus----what Brownback called his "moral" credentials. He wanted to "rebuild the family". Brownback is strongly pro-life, strongly anti-gay, and strongly against gun control. Giuliani, on the other hand, is pro-choice, pro-gay, and strongly for gun control(well, he used to be before he "refined" his positions). So the question is: why has Brownback been seen talking highly favorable of Rudy Giuliani? Was it not just a few debates ago when Brownback said the GOP would "never nominate a pro-abortion candidate"? Well now it seems that a Brownback endorsement of Giuliani is not too far away.

If Brownback does indeed endorse Giuliani, he will claim it will be because of Giuliani's tough stance on foreign issues. I can assure you Brownback will conveniently forget Rudy's liberal social views. My thought----Brownback is a sell-out. Now, to give him the benefit of the doubt, Brownback hasn't endorsed Rudy yet, but he has been clearly warming up to the idea of a Giuliani presidency. If anything, if Browback truly feels the way he does on social issues, he should be using everything in his power to keep Giuliani from becoming the nominee. But he won't. Brownback, like many politicians, wants to "get in good" with the candidate who is most likely to win. I hope, if Brownback continues to show support for Giuliani, or if an endorsement does take place, that the Christian Right raises hell with Brownback. There is nothing I hate more than people suddenly changing their opinions when it suits them.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I am never surprised at Republicans who back other candidates who are in disagreement with their views. The final analysis is that most republicans who talk about having strong views of various subjects will end up supporting their opponents when it serves their needs. Remember when it comes to elected officials who have to tell others they have family values, they themselves always seem to fall. Brownback is a conservative but politicians will do any thing.