Saturday, November 3, 2007

Playing the Gender Card?

Ever since Tuesday's Democrat Debate, the media has been all over Sen. Hillary Clinton. They call it her "worst week ever", or they say "she has ruined her chances at the nomination". The media has gone after Clinton nonstop; it's as if someone is paying them to do so.

Listen, I realize that Tuesday was not Hillary's best night, I said that in my review of the debate, but it is by no means something that is going to completely derail her campaign as the media is suggesting. Even the usual far left "Hillary-haters" are standing up and saying "whoa, it really wasn't that bad." Daily Kos, a common source for Hillary bashing, is among those speaking up:

"The reaction to Hillary's debate performance has been way out of whack with, well, her debate performance...But bottom line is, that at worst, she held steady. At best, she may have gained a little support. It wouldn't be the first time the media completely missed actual public sentiment."

What makes me the most irritated is that the media is, all of a sudden, jumping on Hillary for "playing the gender card". They keep quoting a statement Hillary made when visiting her alma mater, Wellesley College:

“In so many ways this all-women’s college prepared me to compete in the all-boys’ club of presidential politics.”

So, as far as I'm aware, that was the only comment Hillary made about gender since the debate. Yet, the media is hyping it as if she blamed her debate performance on her gender. The point is, that statement is not about "playing the gender card". Rather, it's called "playing the crowd". Hillary was in front of an all girl's school and she was obviously trying to excite them. Obama did the same thing yesterday in South Carolina when he was in front of an all African American crowd. He talked about how he has a chance to make history because of his skin color. And while he was speaking, he clearly took on an accent of a southern black. Do I blame Obama for that? No, it's called getting the crowd excited and into your what you're saying. It's what all great speakers do. Even more importantly, did the media blame Obama? No. So why attack Hillary for essentially the same thing?

But I can assure you that the media will continue to attack Hillary for "playing the gender card", even though she didn't. Hillary made a statement yesterday in which she said that the reason why the other candidates are going after her is because "I am the frontrunner". She also said she didn't mind being challenged on the issues and said "I can take the heat". But will the media cover that statement, in which Hillary clearly states the reason she is being attacked is because she is the frontrunner, not because she is a woman? No, sadly they won't. They'll instead keep replaying the quote from Wellesley and will keep falsely asserting that somehow, in that one statement, Hillary is acting as if she is being attacked because she is a woman.


Anonymous said...

Senator Clinton did ok in the last debate even though the moderators and Obama and Edwards tried to gang up on her. As far as the gender card it is just another non issue raised by the news media and others to try to get some traction because she is the front runner at this time. It is no secret that the news media and opposing candidates try to raise an issue that is not even there. They just start something and then just keep it going. Senator Clinton can take care of herself, I'm counting on it.

sarainitaly said...

This again is the media not doing their job, but simply picking up one little sound bite and running with it. I swear I don't think TV journalists even do their job anymore. They just spew sound bites. It is so frustrating!

As for her comment at Wellesley - you are so right, she was playing to her audience. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that Hillary, a former alum, should not stand there and excite the students with the fact that she is a presidential candidate, a former Wellesley student, and a woman. She was giving an empowering speech to a female college. That is what you do, you inspire, and excite.

And *hello* it has been an all-boys' club for the last 43 Presidents. What exactly is incorrect about her statement? haha

I can barely stomach mainstream media anymore.