Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Selling of Fear

President Franklin Roosevelt addressed the nation during WWII saying "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."  President John Kennedy, in his inaugural address, said "Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate."  Those two great leaders of America captured the nation's courage and power to face our adversaries.  Our nation was founded on principals and they would not allow our people to be intimidated or fearful.

Now we have a President, George W. Bush, who uses the fear factor to intimidate our own people concerning the terror threat to America.  If Congress does not do things his way, or responsible people disagree with his policies, he uses the fear factor.  America and its people will not be safe from terror attacks if we listen to the opposing view or elect a Democrat according to Mr. Bush.  And now several Republican Presidential candidates are using the same fear factor in their run for the Presidency to scare Americans into voting for them.
It is really a pathetic situation for a President to be so insecure and govern by fear.  Our nation and its people have faced more serious threats than terror attacks through out our history with courage and resolve.  Not only have we survived the past, but we took on the future with the spirit that is America.
To make matters even worse, Mr. Bush compared the war on Terror with WWII.  Not even close.  And just last week Mr. Bush tried to connect Iran with WWIII.  This is a President that wants our nation to live in fear and be in a never ending war.  Past Presidents led by uniting our country and its people.  Mr. Bush, and many Republicans, leads by division and fear. 
When America goes to the polls to vote for the next President, it is imperative that we cast our vote for the candidate that represents new leadership and hope for our nation instead of fear. 


Joseph Patrick said...

And also to note, the neo-con's fear mongering are factually inaccurate. They lie to the American people for votes.

Anonymous said...

With the two wars being waged, the social security crisis, the spiraling health care costs, the spiraling federal deficit, the huge deficit being amassed by this president and congress, global warming and the myriad of other troubles facing our nation, about the only thing you'll hear about in 2008 is illegal immigration and how illegal immigrants are the root of all our problems. I've seen a huge influx of E-Mails lately just about that one issue. It's a shame but it seems the American populace wants t bury their heads in the sand and ignore the big issues.