Sunday, March 15, 2009

Another First For Politidose

Bob Herbert, a writer for the New York Times whose editorials are published in many of the nations major newspapers, was right on target with his editorial published in the Times Picayune of 3/12/09.
In the article, "Smothering The Dream," Mr. Herbert pointed out public officials were part of the reckless and shockingly shortsighted alliance of conservatives and corporate leaders that rigged the economy in favor of the rich and ultimately brought it down completely.  Mr. Herbert continued, "working people were not just abandoned by big business and their ideological henchmen in government, they were exploited and humiliated.  They were denied the productivity gains that should have rightfully accrued to them."
If all of this seems familiar it is because you read it here first on politidose way back in November 2007 and in other post this writer has written since then about corporate leaders and the transfer of wealth.  This was way before the collapse of the economy in 2008. 
Mr. Herbert continued, "the right wingers were crafty: you smother the dream by crippling the programs that support it by starving the government of money to pay for them by funneling the governments revenues to the rich through tax cuts and other benefits, by looting the government the way gangsters loot legitimate businesses and then pleading poverty when it comes time to fund the services required by the people."
This writer has pointed out on more that one occasion in politidose that the purpose of the massive deficit spending and debt of Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 over the 20 years they served was to bankrupt the federal government so programs like Social Security, Medicare and other needed programs for the people would go unfunded.  Also how the CEO's and their executives received billions of dollars in bonuses instead of sharing those benefits with their average worker.
The readers of politidose were alerted to our economic and fiscal problems caused by greed, trickle down economics, the conservative ideology and lies of Corporate America long before the current economic collapse and fiscal disaster the country is going through today.  And the alert came long before the facts became public by our leaders.  It was not heard on the cable news networks or Wall Street.  They beat the same drum as the Bush administration. " The fundamentals of the economy is strong and sound."  Yea, tell me another fairytale. 
The American people can not depend on the so called experts two deal with the facts that affect their own lives.
Note:  Past politidose commentary dealing with the subject matter listed below.
11/23/07     Corporate America:  Leaving The Average American In The Dust
1/27/08, 2/17/08,2/25/08 and 3/2/08  The U.S. Economy:  Which Party Performs Best.  3 part series with
4/6/2008     Republican Administrations, Fiscal Disasters
5/16/08      The Republican Trademark:  High Oil and Gasoline Prices
7/9/08        The Roadblock to job creation and a Sustained Economy, Conservatives
7/23/08      Innovation:  Lost in America
8/3/08       The Republican Cycle of Record Federal Deficits and Debt


Anonymous said...

It seems as though politidose may have struck a nerve with its commentary on corporate greed, the plight of the average worker and republican debt. I know Jim Cramer on CNBC is feeling the heat. Poor Jim

Anonymous said...

All of those TV programs who comment on the stock market, wall street and the economy should be feeling the heat. I have to laugh every time they open their mouth. Lou Dobbs is one of the worse. He and the rest of the gang supported the big bonuses ceo's gave to themselves for many years. The subject is hot now so they are changing their position. What a bunch of corrupt people.

Anonymous said...

People should realize what is happening in the news media concerning the bonuses. Corporate America or how ever you want to describe greed own most of the networks. They are now trying to put the blame on the bonus situation on everyone except the real traitors, CEO's and their executives. They are controlling the direction of the news to get the peoples mind off the real problem.

Anonymous said...

The national media sucks. That is why they never tell the true story. Keep up the good reporting.