Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Traveling Fund Raiser

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is on another campaign fund raising trip.  This time to California where he will make 4 stops in his effort to add to his campaign war chest.  He raised over $3 million in 2008 for his reelection bid.
Despite his denials, Jindal is clearly trying to put himself in a position to be on a national ticket for the next presidential election.  It is ironic that Jindal talks about the Louisiana economy being in better shape than most other states, yet he is looking out side of Louisiana for most of his campaign cash.
More and more the governor is looking and acting like the same old republicans who has nothing new to offer the people or the country.  The only answer he has been able to give to Rush Limbaugh's statement, "he hopes the President fails" is Rush is a leader of conservative values.  Neither Rush or Jindal can describe what conservative values mean.
The governor also came out with egg on his face when he said he would not accept part of the stimulus package that had to do with unemployment compensation.  The reason, so he said was that it would make Louisiana employers un competitive with other states because their rates would have to be raised.  However, it was pointed out that Louisiana employers pay less unemployment tax than many of our neighboring states and that Louisiana workers receive less unemployment compensation that do workers in other states. 
The more Jindal exposes himself to the voters, the more they will understand that he represents the ideology of Newt Gingrich, Bush, McCain and the rest of the neocons.  In other words, he is a younger republican face that represents the failed policies that got us in the mess we are in today.  No wonder he is spending so much time raising money out of state.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

One will get a good idea where Jindal stands when he presents his budget to the legislature. He said Louisiana is looking at record deficits. So lets see where and what he wants to cut and how he wants to make up for the short fall. Time will tell.