Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Elected Officials Are The Key

Governments are not the problem like some people would have you believe.  Governments can not exist with out people to run it and those people are our elected officials and their appointees.  They are the ones who are responsible for making government run smoothly and efficiently or bogged down and costly.
Everyone likes to talk about being responsible but are we.  Are the people who run corporate America responsible when they use their wealth to influence elected officials at the expense of the taxpayers, the cities, states or federal government.  Are elected officials responsible when they give those same people special treatment because of their wealth.  Why is business ready and willing to charge more to work for the government than they would charge a private enterprise.  Is it because we know doing business with government requires kickbacks and other goodies.  Why do elected officials accept kickbacks and other favors for doing their job.  If the answer is, "it cost more to do business with government because of red tape and etc., don't believe it, it won't wash, that is a built in excuse to support the status quo.  Keep in mind, what we already know about government contracts.  Many competitors are shut out of the process.
Many aspects of government is in efficient, outdated and over staffed because government is a political system.  It need not be like that.  Many government employees think the people work for them instead of the reverse.  There are so many snow balling reasons why governments do not work properly and I believe the people understand them.
The bottom line is the peoples tax dollars get wasted and there fore buy very little of the services needed by the people.  Republicans say the government should be run like a business, but we have witnessed first hand how corporate America has failed the worker with their transfer of wealth.  What is needed is a government of elected officials who put the citizens first and foremost in their plans and look after their tax dollar to maximize the governments purchasing power on their behalf.  I read where former New Orleans Mayor, Victor Schiro said long ago, "if its good for the people of New Orleans, I'm for it."  The motto of elected officials now seems to be, "if its good for corporate America, I'm for it."
Term limits won't do the job because there is no checks and balances during the term and the term would be for a longer time.  The answer is for voters to demand better stewardship of the taxpayers money and stop voting for those who do not perform.  That is the best way to make government more efficient and more in tune to what the people deserve.  The voters have to make the elected officials the key to lock the door on the status quo.

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