Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Latest U.S. Supreme Court Decision

The decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that allows Corporate America and lobbyist to use their wealth for or against legislation or individual elected officials and or those running for public office is keeping the status quo alive and kicking for wealth to continue to control the political process.

We are already experiencing how the transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy has ruined the economy that has resulted in record job losses for the American people. Now the court has legitimatize the wealthy's corrupting influence on our political system. So what is the next step and what can be done to negate the political influence of wealth. The answer is amazingly simple, the problem that makes it difficult is a lack of courage by elected officials.

Since it is the democratic party that control congress and the White House, the democrats should announce they will no longer accept any money from Corporate America or any lobby group for campaign contributions or any other reason and that if those people want to be heard they will have to go thru the same process as the average Joe. There is no law that can make a elected official take any money from any group of people. The republicans should do the same thing and remove the corrupting influence of wealth from our political system.

Courage, the virtue that is lacking in our political system can be re-discovered in order to make the hard decisions necessary to once again live up to our American heritage of ideals. Special interest groups have to go and there is no better way to achieve that goal than the above because it does not require any laws or debate to water down the results. It would send the most powerful and legal message around the world. The wealth used by those special interest groups is man made and there fore can be changed by man. There are no excuses.

It is past time for both parties to step up to the plate and remove special interest money from the political process and legislation decisions. It is so phony to see Journalists in the news media talk to elected officials about reform but never discuss the above way to truly reform the political system.

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