Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The New Massachusetts U.S. Senator

Scott Brown is the new GOP U.S. Senator from Massachusetts defeating democratic opponent Martha Coakley. The senate seat was formally held by Senator Ted Kennedy who passed away last year.

People in the news media are having a field day with the outcome and using such language as a stunning embarrassment for the White House and President Obama, a probable defeat of health-care legislature (Mr. Brown has already toed the republican line before the election and promised to vote against the health-care bill if elected), and the republican party's ability now to block other Obama legislation and etc. The news media would have the people believe the election had earth shattering implications. The bottom line is if Scott Brown is truly another republican ditto head it will be the people who elected him and the country who will pay the price. Brown will have an opportunity to show he is not just a follower and that he has some different idea's than those of his party who are responsible for the economic mess the country has been in for several years.

President Obama and the democratic leaders in congress have to continue to push their agenda of change and not be afraid to take on the republicans and hit them where it hurts. Democrats have to remind the people every day the republican party has no record of balancing the federal budget in over 40 years, have no record of creating a sustained economy or job creation. They are the party of debt, job losses, a phony war in Iraq over WMD that did not exist and an ideology of being anti American.

Mr. Obama and his party have nothing to fear in the 2010 elections. Mr. Brown and his party can not and will not change stripes because they are part of the political ideology that use fear and lies to divide the country. They showed their hand under 8 years of George W. Bush. The hand is the same, only Bush is gone. So what else is new America?

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