Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Past, Present And Future

The year 2009 is now history and many Americans were affected in a negative way economically and financially. The worst recession since the great depression was felt by millions of Americans who only read about the great depression and there were those that thought severe economic times was a thing of the past. What took place in 2009 had its roots in the administration of George W. Bush because of ideology.

The bottom line is our political and industry leaders who make the decisions failed to learn from the past and in fact only gave lip service to the federal debt the Bush administration was creating. Industry leaders continued to transfer wealth from the average workers who helped their companies create that wealth to the CEO's and executives who compensated themselves with billions of dollars in bonuses, stock options and other goodies at the same time their companies were losing money, laying off employees and cancelling employees health insurance. The transfer of wealth has been devastating to the middle class, the economy and the resulting record number of lost jobs has been a dagger in the heart for millions of Americans.

For the present, we have seen President Obama take action he thinks will return our country and its people back to prosperity. Many safeguards have been put in place to correct the mistakes of the past. More are in the offering and the President needs to be mindful not to repeat the mistakes of the past. The country has seen economic improvement and the job market is a little brighter. The President needs to stay active, show courage and leadership and put programs in place to ensure that the future leaves behind the Dark Age of our recent past.

The American people have often been told our best days are ahead. We Americans believe that and know it can be that way. If our leaders gain wisdom about the past our best days will truly be the future. The decisions that President Obama makes in 2010 will say loud and clear what path was chosen. A repeat of the past is not an option. The future has to reject the failed policies of the past.

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