Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Sunday Television News Shows

Jay Rosen had a commentary carried in the Huffington Post titled, "Simple Fix For Messed Up Sunday Shows." His gripe and a well founded one was that guest on shows like Meet the Press were allowed to lie about certain facts and were never challenged by the moderator. Jay is correct about that and he proposed that on a Wednesday following the show, those programs would give the facts out about the falsehoods that were said on the Sunday shows. In other words, a rebuttal by the networks to show how their guest manipulated the facts.

This writer has many times over commented in politidose how those Sunday shows fail to give the American people the facts concerning the issues and there fore abandon their responsibility as journalists to bring the real story to the people. Those Sunday shows failed to seek and present the truth in the run up to war in Iraq over WMD that did not exist. Ditto the massive debt Mr. Bush laid on the country and now they are using republican talking points to try and discredit the Obama administration. To top it all off they are starting all over again pushing the republican talking points that democrats are not keeping America safe. Never mind that the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil happened on the republican watch.

The networks and their journalists know that T.V. has become an entertainment business by their own choosing and that facts no longer matter to them. Some networks even questioned if Walter Cronkite would have been his same trusted self if he were part of the industry today. They asked that question after his death because he would not be able to answer the question. The networks were not about to ask that question while Mr. Cronkite was alive. They knew what his answer would have been. That says it all.

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