Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The U.S. Economy Is Back On Track

Thanks to President Obama's policies the U.S. economy is indeed kicking in gear for the long haul. The most important thing now for the President to do is stay on message and turn off any suggestions from the republicans how to create jobs since they do not have a record of doing so. The last republican administration created two recessions, an economic nightmare, record job losses, a financial bonanza for the wealthy and two tax cuts that did not produce what the republicans said they would do except help the rich get wealthier and massive deficits and debt. Trickle down economics was a failure for the third time, all under republican control.

The Federal Reserve and those cable news outlets who are predicting economic growth to be in the range of 2.50 - 2.75% for 2011 and 2012 are full of it. Economic growth will be greater than those numbers. And their predictions of unemployment still in the 9% range through 2012 is keeping with their hope of seeing the economy fail. Unemployment in 2012 will be below 9% and closer to 7%. And when 2012 is over you can boast you read it here first on politidose.

All of the actions the Obama administration took to turn the economy around are taking hold and a continued stream of positive news concerning the economy will continue to emerge. Republicans will continue to talk doom and gloom like they did when President Clinton took office. They will also continue to push tax cuts for the wealthy that do not create jobs or do anything positive for the economy. President Obama will just have to slap their little boy faces when they try too and continue his own policies. The people of America should join the President in stopping the republicans attempt to have a third recession.

Once again job creation is happening on the democratic watch like it always does and will be self sustaining with sound fiscal and economic policies. The little boy republicans would rather help the wealthy so they can collect their dividend, campaign contributions.

As noted here a few weeks ago, President Obama's first fiscal year budget ended 9/30/10 and cut federal spending by 1.6% over George W. Bush's last fiscal year budget. The republicans can't even remember when they last cut federal spending. I'll give you a hint, it has not happened in the last 50 years. Like President Clinton, it will be another democratic President, Obama who's policies will pave the way for balanced federal budgets in the future. And when it happens, you will have read that first here also on politidose.

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