Saturday, December 4, 2010

American Journalism: A Lack Of Facts, Courage and Guts

It is this writers opinion that American Journalism as we know it today has failed to report the facts and inform the people concerning those things that really matter and make a difference. The latest example includes the recent congressional elections that returned control of the U.S. House to the Republican party and President Obama accused by some journalists of having no guts in dealing with the republicans. (that could end up being the case but as of now it is not.) Some journalists who report the news, printed and broadcast have become the biggest hypocrites and there fore have no credibility in their reporting, yet the American people are fed their trash. Lets take some examples.

If President Obama has no guts in dealing with republicans then journalists have even less. They showed no guts in the run up to war with Iraq or during the war by buying everything Bush said about Iraq having WMD without any challenge. They even down played the U.N. inspectors who were on the ground in Iraq for 7 straight years after the Gulf war and then before the Iraq war and said that Iraq had no WMD. Then they ran with the talking points of republicans that those who oppose the war were unpatriotic. They entertained retired Generals on their TV shows nightly that repeated the Bush line about Iraq's WMD and were melted like hot cheese.

In the news now is the massive debt of the U.S. known as the National Debt. Yet journalists have no guts on the subject and have failed to point out that the record deficit spending of Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 that covered 20 years is a direct result of why the country has a debt problem. Those 3 administrations have accounted for the majority of the country's debt. It all started with Reagan. The National Debt stood at less than one trillion dollars when President Carter's last fiscal year budget ended. It is now over $13 trillion and the Reagan administration has the distinction of putting the country on the road to massive debt. And journalists have yet to really report that in-dept and how Bush 41 and Bush 43 have carried out that legacy of debt. Bush 43 carried that legacy out on a massive scale.

There is so much trash fed the American people by journalists that the Fox News Network openly lie about certain issues. They continue to run with republican talking points even when they know they are false. They like to talk tough but have no guts to debate the facts about the un-American ideology of conservatives.

Journalists have failed to point out the success the average American enjoyed during President Clinton's years and how the country grew as a whole and left no one behind. They do not have the guts or courage to compare the Clinton administration to the Bush or Reagan administrations and how Clinton reversed the 12 straight years of record deficit spending by the Reagan-Bush administrations and produced surpluses.

And the worst reporting by journalists is their constant repeating of the republican talking points about democrats being the big spenders when in fact it is republican administrations who are the biggest spenders. No guts their either. All one has to do is go on line to the CBO for the facts or read my previous past commentary noted below.

The future of journalism is in the hands of those who are now pursuing such a career. Hopefully they will tell the American story in a different way that actually reflects American ideals, truth and facts that do not threaten any one but truly informs the people so they can actually understand what is taking place and make an informed judgement.

Note 1: The National Debt: Betrayal and Devastation dated 12/6/2009

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