Thursday, December 23, 2010

The 111th. Congress: No "Lame Duck" Session Here

Congratulation to U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi and U.S. Senator Harry Reid for their leadership and courage as leaders of the U.S. House and Senate for keeping the congress in session and demanding that congress act on legislation concerning important bills that affect the country and its people. Senator Reid had to make it known to the little boy republicans that he would keep congress in session thru the holidays until the senate completed its business.

The accomplishments of the democratic controlled congress proved the "lame duck" label to be wrong and should give people in the news media a lesson in media failure. No wonder people are negative concerning politics. It is bad enough that far too many people do not really pay attention to what takes place. A negative news media is unacceptable.

I wrote a post on December 20 titled "President Obama and The Next Two Years" and pointed out that this congress would take care of its business before the end of the year. Not many people agreed. The hand writing was on the wall really for everyone to see. Democrats do not always agree, but they put their country and its people first. They were going to let it be known they still run the show in the majority and would not let the republicans and outside forces make this session of congress a "lame duck." The handful of republicans who bucked their party's leadership and voted yes concerning DADT and the Start Treaty should also be congratulated.

The importance of the legislation passed by this congress will play out in time as it is implemented. Coupled with the fact that the economy continues to gain steam and the job picture will continue to get better proves once again democratic policies move the country and its people forward while the opposite happens when the republicans are in control. The republican leadership in the U.S. House and Senate did their best to make this congress a "lame duck" but democratic leadership and courage prevailed. At a time of what could have been a crisis, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid stepped forward with leadership and courage. That says it all.

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