Monday, December 20, 2010

President Obama And The Next Two Years

The democratic controlled congress will end the year on a positive note by passing meaningful legislation even though the congress was called "lame duck." In a flurry of action before the end of the year the American people and the country will come out a winner despite the whinning of those little boy republicans. There were some doubts that anything would pass because of the mood in congress but the democrats, despite their differences held every thing together and the bulk of the legislation that has passed and that will soon pass will benefit the middle class the most. That is the key to a complete economic recovery that will continue to create jobs.

The task for the President and democrats in congress will be much tougher the next two years because republicans will continue to say no and try to block the Presidents agenda. The President and democrats need to stay on message and take their case to the people so things will get done. The President did not do that as well as he could have during his first two years in office. The republicans will also try to reverse some of the legislation passed in the last two years and the President will have to stand up for democratic values and the people and push back.

The President and democrats are on the right side of history at this point in time and need to remind the people every time the republicans open their mouth that it is the democratic party that has the best record on handling the economy, job creation, low unemployment, advances in the average workers wages, decrease in poverty rates, balancing the federal budget and paying down debt. The lowest average yearly price of a barrel of oil and gallon of gasoline in the past 34 years also took place on the democratic watch. The child tax credit, college tuition credit, child care, family leave and many other benefits are democratic programs. President Obama needs to tell the story often to combat the false hoods and lies of the republican party and those right wingers in the news media, especially Television.

Let the republicans talk about how they cut taxes for the wealthy over the average citizen. The people should have learned by now how republican administrations get into the average citizens pocket a hundred different ways with their failed trickle down economics. The record job losses, economic disaster and high unemployment of the previous administration did not happen by accident, it happened because of the republicans warped ideology.

The President and democrats in congress can make their case with the people. The economy is getting better every day and in the near future job creation will hit those numbers necessary to reduce unemployment. And as usual, it will happen on a democrat's watch because of democratic policies and actions. Republicans will continue to be the party of no because they seek failure, but democrats will succeed once again in turning the economy around. That says it all.

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