Friday, December 17, 2010

The Anti-American Republicans In Congress

The so called lame duck session of congress which is now in progress will not be considered "lame duck" if the congress deals with the legislation before that body by the end of the year. The roadblock is the anti-American leaders for the republicans in the House and Senate. They throw up one roadblock after another to deny President Obama and the democratic congress any legislative victories.

The republican vow to make Obama a one term President has trumped their responsibility as legislators to take care of the business of the country and its people. And to think that voters made the republican party the majority in the House next year is chilling. The voters learned nothing form the past republican record of failure.

And because Senator Reid said he would keep the Senate in session until the country's business is taken care of, one republican accused Reid of being un-christian like. A typical ploy because republicans have no record to debate the issues so they resort to the usual personal attacks.

The big issues that are pending before congress are a no brainer. They have all been vetted. DADT, Defense bill, Start Treaty and the normal legislation to keep the government running. The republican position on those items have no credibility just like they have no credibility on balancing the federal budget.

In 2011 and 2012 the country and its people will know if President Obama had the leadership, character and courage to deal with the anti American leaders in the republican party. Those little boys need a good spanking. It falls to you Mr. President to administer that spanking, the voters do not seem to be qualified to do so.

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