Friday, November 18, 2011

Grover Norquist Just Met His Match

Republicans in congress almost to the last man have signed a pledge introduced by Norquist never to raise taxes. Some republican Presidential candidates signed the pledge also. Even though a politicians pledge should be made to the people who elect them, those republicans decided to side with Norquist and be dammed with the needs of the country and its people.

But now it has been reported that a band of millionaires stormed Capitol Hill Wednesday to urge congress to tax them more. Norquist retorted by saying they could just pay the IRS more in taxes than they owe if they want too. The millionaires had the last laugh and told Norquist if he wanted low taxes and less government, renounce your American citizenship and move to Somalia where they don't collect taxes.

It is ovbious millionaires know they do not pay a fair share of taxes because of all the tax loopholes that favor the wealthy. They also know that a tax increase will not affect their bottom line. The reality for them is they understand their present tax burden is less than it was 50 years ago. The country does have some wealthy people who put their country first instead of greed and do have an understanding of why they should pay their fair share in taxes. That says it all.

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