Friday, November 18, 2011

Knowing The Facts To Gain Knowledge

Once again Washington Post journalist E.J. Dionne is at the top of his class in an editorial published in the Times Picayune dated 11/17/11 titled, "Turning Budget Failure Into Success." Without going over the complete article which deals with the so called Super Committee, deficit reduction, spending cuts and raising revenue one statement Mr. Dionne made is at the top of the list as to why we are having this debate in the first place.

Said Mr. Dionne: But genuine compromise can't happen because republicans refuse to accept any significant tax increases. This is not a partisan statement. It is just a description of the facts. It is maddening that the media are so desperate to avoid being attacked as "liberal" that they cannot describe the situation as it is.

That is a powerful statement by Mr. Dionne how the media and their journalists have failed to report the facts concerning the subject matter, and the same thing this writer has pointed out more than once here in Politidose over the last two or three years. The attitude of the media, especially the Sunday programs like Meet the Press allow the republicans to lie thru their teeth and then not say a word. In other words they have failed their responsibility as journalists.

The country and its people are in need of more journalists like Mr. Dionne who are not afraid of reporting the facts and telling things like they are.

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