Sunday, February 26, 2012

Conservatives, Religion And The Bible Lands

The republican Presidential candidates have taken it upon themselves to declare and judge just who is a religious person or a christian. They and the right wing T.V. evangelists who do the same thing like to play God which show's they themselves are not very good at being religious or christian like. If they had their way they would have the United States in perpetual conflict over religion and desercrate our constitution.

The lands of the Bible we are told was where God spoke to Abraham, Moses and Noah and where Jesus walked. It is also where God handed down the ten commandments to his people. Yet four thousand years later the lands of the Bible are still one of the most unstable parts of the world and religion is one of the major causes of the strife. It is where people kill other people in the name of God and their religion.

Our forebearers who founded our country was right when they separated religion and church from state. Their wisdom in doing so has made our country the greatest place on earth for a people to practice and live freedom of religion. But now comes the right wing concervative republicans who use religion to promote their ideology of religious wars and turn America against itself. The republican base who vote republican no matter what are just as bad. People in the news media who go along with the conservative anti American and anti religious behavior are a disgrace to their profession.

The people of America have the voting power to stop the election of those republican leaders who would like to destroy the separation of church and state for their own anti American and anti religious ideology. Their ideology questioned President Kennedy's catholic faith over 40 years ago but Kennedy was a man who knew how to handle the liars. America needs a leader who can stand up to the conservatives assualt on our country, its religion and its people. President Obama needs to continue to speak out against this outrage.

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