Sunday, February 26, 2012

Is War With Iran Inevitable For The United States?

Only if President Obama heeds the advise of those who promoted and took the country to war in Iraq over WMD that did not exist and are now doing the same thing concerning Iran. The drum beat to go to war in Iran is sounded every day and leading the way is Israel's leader who care nothing about the United States and its constitution. Israel believes in preemption and is the greatest threat to peace in the middle east and the secutiry of the United States. U.S. senators Lindsay Graham and John McCain are two of the leading proponets of war with Iran and seem to toss aside their responsibility for the security of America by supporting Israel's position of preemption.

The President needs to stand tall, not let Israel draw the United States into an unnecessary war and let Israel know he will not approve of any Israel preemptive strike on Iran. The President needs to protect the interest of the United States. Our treaty with Israel does not require us to join Israel in any strike on Iran when Israel is not threatened. Iran is no threat to Israel and its leaders know that. The greatest nuclear threat in that part of the world comes from Israel, India and Pakistan who have nuclear weapons and who's programs have been kept secret from the United States and the international community.

President Kennedy would know how to handle this problem. He faced the same situation during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis when the same voices of war wanted nothing less than an invasion of Cuba and a preemptive strike. President Kennedy, the commander in chief, was not about to duck his responsibility to the country and let those unelected war voices prevail. Instead he had the wisdom to end the threat and protect the security of the United States. He mobilized our armed forces in case he had to use the war option but Kennedy was a President who knew war was not inevitable. Kennedy knew the faces of war because he served his country in war time. Too many of those war voices then and today have never served their country in uniform. They just like to talk and act tough and let other people's children fight their wars.

President Obama, as the commander in chief, needs the widsom of President Kennedy in exercising control over war making decisions and not let this thing get out of control.

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