Thursday, April 17, 2014

Another First For "PolitiDose."

"PolitiDose" your daily dose of political commentary is once again in the fore front of correctly pointing out how the democratic party has performed better than the republican party in governing and moving the country forward.  The latest report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) concerning the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a good example.  Lets look at what has happened concerning Health Care issues.

In 2004 the Bush administration and the republican controlled congress(they controlled both the House and the Senate) passed a prescription drug benefit that Bush said would cost no more than $400 billion over the next decade.  Republicans in congress signed on while the democrats pointed out the program would actually cost a lot more based on several congressional reports.  That prescription drug benefit, now in its last year of the decade has cost over $900 billion according to the CBO and will cost over $1 trillion when the decade ends.  That is three times the number Bush quoted.  The republicans knew of the problem and did nothing to correct.  That prescription drug benefit was also financed with deficit spending which the taxpayers are still paying for with interest.

In 2010 the democrats controlled both houses of congress and passed the Presidents proposal called the ACA.  The President said it was fully paid for, would reduce the federal deficit and lower insurance cost over the next decade.  The CBO in its report just the other day concerning the ACA said the cost would be approximately $104 billion lower over the decade than originally thought.  Also that private insurance premium for the benchmark :silver level plan" would be 15% less that projected in 2009.  The CBO also laid out many other items in the ACA that is saving health care cost.  It will also reduce the federal deficit.

This information concerning Health Care is just another example of what has been pointed out over and over in "PolitiDose."  Democratic administrations do a better job at governing than republican administrations regardless if its health care, the economy, job creation, balancing the budget, cutting federal spending, lowering unemployment and the list goes on and on.

For those who seek the facts and are looking for a way to navigate the sound bites and misinformation given out by the news media, especially cable television, tune them out.  Naa, I'm just kidding, I know you won't do that.  But there is a credible alternative.  PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by John Lucia.

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