Tuesday, April 15, 2014

President Obama"s Performance In Office

During the 2008 Presidential campaign this writer supported Senator Joe Biden  for the Democratic nomination.  Senator Chris Dodd was my second choice.  I did so because I believed they had the best qualifacations and the most experience to deal with being President.  I did not think Mr. Obama had the experience nor the time in political life to take that giant step. 

It is history now and Obama won the democratic nomination  and then beat Senator John McCain to become the 44th. President of the United States.  In our system of government we have only one President at a time and regardless who that person is the people have always rallied around him, especially in difficult times.  I was willing to give President Obama a chance after his election and as of this writing I am glad I did so.  There is no doubt in my mind, despite his lack of experience he was a better choice than Senator McCain and much better than Mitt Romney. 

I expressed my feelings toward Obama during the 2008 campaign in commentary here in PolitiDose and my preference for Joe Biden.  I was  of the opinion that even Hilliary Clinton would be a better choice than Obama.  I wrote a commentary prior to the 2012 election expressing my disappointment with some things Obama did or had not done and said I thought he should not seek reelection if he could not stand up to the republicans and move his agenda.

I think the people made the right choice in both elections over the republican choice.  The President is no Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy or Clinton but he has handled an inherited situation well considering the republican's constant will to obstruct and opposition on every thing the President proposes.  The relentless negative pronouncements of the conservative news media against the President has been shameful. 

President Obama may be lacking but he has demonstrated that America and its people come first in policy matters and that he would not govern by an ideology that thrives on fear and misinformation.  The country and its people are better off today than they were prior to his election.

This commentary written by John Lucia.

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