Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The U.S. House Passes A Budget To No Where.

Last week the republican controlled House passed the Ryan budget that was the subject of this writers commentary a few weeks ago.  Louisiana tea party rep., Steve Scalise's republican study committee's budget proposal was also introduced and defeated.  The conservative ideology of the republican party in the House is so far apart, debate is out of the question.

The Ryan budget will go no where as long as Obama is President and for good reason.  The country and its people lost again with the budget vote.  It wasted time like the 50 plus times the House has voted to repeal the ACA which also will never happen on Obama's watch.  The conservatives have been brazen in their zeal to make the U.S. House none productive and there fore bring down one house of congress.

The U.S. Senate although controlled by the democratic party do not have the 60 votes necessary to pass legislature on their own.  They need several cross over votes from republicans and have been able on some important issues to obtain those cross over votes with compromise.  The senate passed the President's jobs bill to rebuild and repair the nations infrastructure, a immigration bill, an extension on unemployment insurance and others that the republican controlled house has never even considered for debate.  Their own ideology is so far apart and childish they are allowing their 2016 Presidential hopefuls to sound bite the issues.

John Boehner's actions and inactions as speaker of the house has allowed his party to bring disgrace upon that institution.  His ideology will not allow him to stand up and be an American first who has a responsibility to the people and the country to move forward.  Its all about wanting to see a democratic administration fail.

Just maybe the voters in November will step back and give thought to electing enough democrats to return control of the house to them, keep the democrats majority in the senate and trust the President to do the right thing for all concerned This writer thinks he deserves the chAnce to have his policies debated in congress.  The republican party has had their chance under Obama and has failed.  They also had their chance under President Bush and failed.  The Ryan budget does not balance the federal budget for the next 10 years.  The deficit under the Obama administration has been reduced over 60% and the nation is on its way to a balanced budget that could happen before the President leaves office.

Ideology as practiced today by the leaders of the republic party is still unAmerican in nature and part of their elite thinking to make every one subject to their warped minds.  The greatest generation if it existed during their time would have rejected this ideology.  And now we, in this generation should reject it also in favor of American common sense solutions.

This commentary written by John Lucia.

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