Sunday, November 23, 2014

Benghazi: A Scandal Only To Those Who Promote Scandals.

The U.S. House Intelligence Committee  report on Benghazi is complete and has been issued.  The report rejects allegations that the Obama administration intentionally misled the public about the deadly attack on the U.S. mission.  The report repudiates what it said was a "swirl of Rumors and unsupported allegations over the assault on the mission in Libya.

The report also said there was never a "stand down order" blocking rescue efforts and that White House officials were not to blame for an inaccurate initial account of the events.  Also noted in the report it implicitly rebuffed allegations that were lodged by republican leader Darrell Issa and embraced by republican party leaders.

Does any one remember the Fox News Network calling Benghazi a scandal over and over?  Ditto John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney and a host of other republicans in congress and the conservative news media in general, especially editorial writers.  They all accused the President and Secretary of State Clinton of the charges above that the intelligence committee found false and floating in a swirl of rumers and un supported allegations.  Romney even used Benghazi to try and attack the President during the debates of the 2012 Presidential elections.

The right wing conservative republicans will say anything to try to destroy the President and his administration.They are an unAmerican bunch who enjoy lying to the public and attempted to create a scandal over an attack that took the lives of 4 Americans.  Can one stoop any lower than that?  The real sad story of Benghazi is that too many Americans believed the lies of a bunch of spineless conservatives and the Fox News Network.

Come next year when the republican party takes control of both houses of congress allegations against the President will become sustained concerning a number of contrived issues where republicans will use the same tactic of out right lies.  The leaders of today's republican party are not fit to lead and make a mockery of the political system.  The republican party's rhetoric would never have been accepted by the greatest generation and neither should today's generation.

This commentary written by John Lucia.

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