Saturday, November 22, 2014

Scalise's Bill Will Weaken EPA's Ability To Regulate Air Quality Standards

Steve Scalise, Louisiana's little boy rep in the U.S. House saw that house pass his bill that would expidite the permitting process for new projects according to an article in the Times Picayune of 11/21/14.  Democratic rep Henry Waxman said the bill could give new facilities "amnesty" from new air quality standards.  The President said he would veto the bill if it reached his desk.

The bill is all about gutting EPA regulations and allowing busineses to operate in their own selfish world without regulations.  Scalise uses job creation as the excuse for expediting the permitting process.  However,  Scalise and his party have no record of creating jobs to speak of and everyone knows the conservative attitude towaerd regulations.  As long as the democrats control the Senate the bill will not pass or advance to the President.

Scalise is the Whip of the majority House and is in a leadership position so one would think he would take up the immigration bill passed by the Senate or the minimum wage bill if he was serious about passing legislation that would move the country and its people forward.  Instead, he moves a bill that has no merit at this particular time.  The President continues to stand tall and be responsible while conservative republicans in congress continue to expose their lack of character and courage.  

Just think, if Scalise scheduled a vote on immigration and the minimum wage and it passed as this writer thinks it would, congress could have gone home on break and said they accomplished something positive.  What a shame.

This commentary written by John Lucia

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