Monday, December 22, 2014

Conservative Journalist Cal Thomas And His Cowardly Opinion.

Thomas in a Times Picayune column of 12/21/14 says terrorists will surely attack America and wonders what Obama will do when the attack occurs.  He then goes on to wonder if Obama would issue the predictable denunciations and apologies for Islam.  Thomas is a coward for making that statement and shows his contempt for American values.  He also shows how much he hates the President.

Thomas wants to see America's homeland hit because Obama has been more protective of our country than Thomas's hero, President George W. Bush.  He is even willing to lie about Obama being an apologist for Islam.  It shows how extreme Thomas's views are and how unAmerican his ideology really plays out.

Its the same old conservative republican story.  When your party has no accomplishments, strike back at the guy in the other party.  Thomas knows that Bush's invasion and occupation of Iraq over WMD that did not exist created Al Queda in Iraq and ISIS.  His mentallity is such that he wants to see America attacked again, especially on Obama's watch.  American casualties means nothing to this guy.

Cal Thomas belongs to the same group of conservatives who tried to blame President Clinton for the tragic attack on 9/11.  Its unfortunate when men can not act like men and have no character or courage to boot.

This commentary written by John Lucia.

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