Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Unemployment Rate Is Up Again In Louisiana

The unemployment rate in Louisiana for November ws 6.5%, the seventh straight monthly increase according to the U.S. Labor Department.  It was 5.6% in November of 2013.  The unemployment trend in Louisiana has been up while the trend nationally has been down.  The unemployment rate in November fell in 41 states, rose in 3 states and were flat in 6 states.  There was more bad news for Louisiana.

According to the Pew Research, 29 states increased spending for mental health while Louisiana decreased spending on mental health the last two budget cycles.  It also ranked Louisiana as one of the worse states for mental health services and access.

And the latest information from Jindal's office is that the budget deficit for this fiscal year ending June 30 will be $170 million plus.  That is the same budget Jindal and the state legislature announced as balanced at the start of the fiscal year.  State revenues are not meeting projections.  And if that sounds familiar its because it is a repeat story.  Budget cuts will be coming once again.

The $25 billion state budget contains $8 billion of tax breaks and exemptions for bussiness.  That is about 30% of the budget in loss revenue to the state and Jindal and the republican controlled legislature continues to sign off on those tax give aways.  Republicans on the state level are no better than those on the federal level.  But hey, Louisiana is a republican state with bragging rights.

It will take another democratic administration and legislature to turn this mess around.  In the mean time Jindal will continue to try and sell himself as a republican Presidential candidate.  What a sad chapter in Louisiana history.

This commentary written by John Lucia

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