Saturday, August 22, 2015

More Good Reasons To Elect Democratic Representative John Bel Edwards As Louisiana's Next Governor

Republican U.S. Senator David Vitter who is a candidate in the Louisiana governor's race supports Donald Trump's position of denying birthright citizenship to those born in the United States which is protected by the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution.  Vitter also supports a constitutional amendment to change that 14th amendment.  Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal also came out in support of those positions.

Louisiana does not need that kind of thinking in the new governor's office come next year and should be a great reminder why Louisiana needs to elect democrat John Bel Edwards to be the next governor.  Eight years of Jindal and the right wing ideology of the republican party has done enough damage to our state.  Only a democratic governor can repair the damage and set the state on a course of progress for the people.

And just this week the people are being told Louisiana's budget that was declared balanced just a few months ago will be out of balance once again before the fiscal year is up and that the new governor will have more difficult choices to manage and balance future budgets and will have to deal with this latest projected deficit.  That is another strong reason why Louisiana needs democrat Edwards to be the next governor.

Edward's three republican opponents, David Vitter, Jay Dardenne and Scott Anglee supported Jindal's failed policies until they announced they would be running for governor.  Vitter rubber stamped President George W. Bush's policies that gave the nation 8 straight years of federal budget deficits after being left with budget surpluses by democratic President Bill Clinton.  Don't expect those three republicans to put Louisiana's fiscal house back in order, they are "johnny comes lately."

Edwards has seen his poll numbers continue to climb as he campaigns across the State.  He is the only candidate who would be able to deal with the republican controlled state legislature and set the state on the path to elect more democrats to the legislature.  Louisiana and its people have always had their best years under a democratic administration because they are serious about addressing the problems and concerns that are necessary to move the state and its people forward.

This writer is confident Mr. Edwards will also put the state's fiscal house in order with budgets that are well thought out, addresses the real problems, be fair and balanced and void of gimmicks used by Jindal and the republican controlled legislature.  A budget based on reality has a positive effect on everything the state does.

Its past time for Louisiana to become a democratic state again.  The republican party was tried and failed, not only on a state level but also on the federal level under Bush.  Democrat John Bel Edwards is Louisiana's best hope to move the state and its the people forward to experience a better future.  And yes, understanding the past is still the key to a better future.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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